We Can Do It!
Women CEOs--Ruling India Inc?
It's the charge of the pink brigade.
Riding on the back of changing societal attitudes, and hiring and
promotion policies focussed purely on skills, a clutch of professional
women executives could soon stake claim to India Inc's most coveted
corporate position.
By Nita
Jatar Kulkarni & Paroma Roy
It's a boy, Mrs Walker. It's a boy.''
-The Who
Boy? Ha!
Are Women CEOs Different? |
At the risk of sounding like the opening
chapter of every third management book written this last decade, here
goes: today, companies realise the need to change. The reasons for this
enlightenment are a rash of phrases like low-entry barriers, global
competition, and technology-enabled disintermediation. Suffice it to say
that organisations are changing. Large, centralised organisations are
giving way to leaner, decentralised ones. To cut out the jargon, a worker
in an organisation that has realised the need to change will, probably,
count his fellow workers among his friends, and know that he can drop in
on the way to the lunch room and greet his company's chief executive.
There is a corresponding shift in leadership
styles also. A decentralised organisation calls for a democratic and not a
heroic leader. Not a wimp, but someone who actually believes in consensus
and participation. But, is there a great difference to the way that women
manage? hr mavens believe that men are more likely to display
transactional leadership styles (they believe in leading by rewarding or
punishing people), while women are more likely to be transformational
leaders (they try to match individual and organisational expectations).
Work styles apart, leaner organisations mean
that managers need to perform several roles all at once. Traditionally,
women have been better at performing multiple roles, given that most women
executives did strike some sort of work-life balance. However, managing
the home is a shared responsibility in urban households, and several male
executives do multi-tasking effectively.
The bottomline? The leadership style that is
best suited to this century is the relatively gender-neutral model of a
developer manager.
Get used to these pronouns and forms
of address tout-de-suite. There's a quiet revolution happening in
corporate India. Some time in the future-it could be a month from now; or
a few years-one of the female leads of this composition, or a dark horse
unknown outside her own company, will shatter the glass ceiling and become
mainstream corporate India's first professional woman CEO. She won't be a
member of the promoting family; nor a first-generation entrepreneur who
is, as is fit, the mistress of her own creation. She will be a
professional-an MBA perhaps (a techie, maybe), or a graduate in the arts
or the sciences who has worked her way up the hierarchy. It's been done
before-we know that-but the as yet anonymous diva who will achieve this
feat will be a role-model of sorts, and the herald of the many who will
almost certainly follow her.
It could be Vibha Paul Rishi. Only 40 and
already Executive Director, (marketing), PepsiCo India (that's right,
she's the lady you caught on the telly during the presentation ceremony of
one cricket tournament or the other organised by her company). It could be
Naina Lal Kidwai (again, young at 43), Vice-Chairman and Head (Investment
Banking Operations), Morgan Stanley. It could be the old favourite Lalita
Gupte, the 51-year-old COO of ICICI, who's the anointed successor of CEO
K.V. Kamath. Or it could be any of a hundred other women in a hundred
other organisations.
Still unconvinced? Two women in their early
30s are Lever's listers, members of an exclusive group of young managers
Hindustan Lever Ltd considers chairperson-material. Some, like Santanu
Sarkara, a 42-year-old executive search consultant at Korn Ferry, believes
that this change is finally upon us: ''I don't need to plot a
mathematically accurate trend-line to arrive at this conclusion. One look
at the number of smart young women holding down senior positions in
companies is all it takes: the glass ceiling is going to see a major
breach in this decade.''
Accepted, the actual number of women who
manage to become CEOs won't be much higher than what a numerically
challenged bean-counter can count with the assistance of his digits. A
study published by Catalyst, a New York-based women's advocacy group, in
June, 2000, shows that women account for a mere 2.4 per cent of the top
jobs (and that doesn't just mean only CEOs), at Fortune 500 companies.
Although it isn't a great comparison, a recent study (that is restricted
to the Indian public sector) carried out by the Forum for Women reveals
that less than 1 per cent of the executives in state-owned enterprises
were women.
Still, the private sector in India is, if
women like Kidwai are to be believed, a whole new ball game: ''There's
less pressure on women executives in India to be one of the boys.'' True,
the work culture in the better (read: professionally-managed) private
sector companies in India is hardly the wasp (Western Anglo-Saxon
Protestant) thing that one still encounters in most true-blue American
companies, where an individual has to be one of the boys to make it. And
the Indian social milieu is, to put it mildly, diverse, making it far
easier for women to rise to the top. Agrees Aneeta Madhok, 41, a professor
at the Mumbai-based Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, who is
also a hr consultant: ''In India, there are so many different religious
and cultural groups that women can be different but yet not be considered
The timing is just right ...
Why now? It certainly isn't because the GOI
is considering amending the Companies Act to the effect that every listed
company need have two women directors. The imminent entry of women into
corporate corner rooms is a phenomenon caused by the coming together of
three disparate threads.
The first is the fact that companies do not
wish to lose out on even a small proportion of the best talent doing the
rounds. In the words of former Lever Chairman Keki Dadiseth, 53: ''If 20
per cent of the toppers in the IIMS are women, if we do not take them
(on), we are losing out on the best.'' At every level-school onwards-the
toppers list, more often than not, boasts an equal proportion of men and
women (biases, if any, are skewed towards the latter).
Given that, and the perennial shortage of
talent everyone speaks about, companies cannot afford to not hire good
people, or not promote them, simply because of their sex. Says Meeta Vyas,
41, former CEO of the US-based Signature Brands, and now Secretary-General
and CEO of the World Wide Fund For Nature (India): "The present
generation of CEOs in their 40s or even the younger ones, have working
wives, friends and colleagues, who have sensitised them to the issues that
professional women face in the workplace and the need to harness their
skills better.''
The second: a decade of liberalisation has
created, at least among the managers in better companies, the belief that
the sexes are indeed equal. The interested observer will not encounter
this in the lower economic strata, but among educated people belonging to
the higher income groups and resident in mainstream urban centres. Seconds
Sumer Datta, 38, CEO, Noble & Hewitt, India: ''In a top job, or in any
job for that matter, it is the skills and attributes you bring in that
counts. Gender, in my opinion, is completely irrelevant for a company or a
professional recruiter today. About 60 per cent of the employees in my
organisation are women and they are hired only for their skills. That they
are women is completely secondary.''
The third disparate thread is, simply,
timing. Picture this: the first wave of IIT pass-outs left for the greener
pastures of the US in the late 1960s and the early 1970s. A
decade-and-a-half later, almost a score of them became CEOs of global
corporations. Corporate India could be at the threshold of a similar
phenomenon, albeit, one concerning women executives. Explains Madhok: ''It
takes between 10 and 15 years for people who start their careers as
management trainees to reach a stage where they could possibly have a shot
at becoming the CEO. I think some women who started their careers in the
mid-eighties have reached this stage now.''
Rishi, for instance, who graduated from the
Faculty for Management Studies, New Delhi, in 1982, started her career in
the Tata Administrative Services, spent a few years at Titan and then
moved to Pepsi where she rose from the position of Executive Assistant to
the CEO to that of Executive Director (Marketing). And Lalita Gupte, now
Joint Managing Director, ICICI, began her career in the project appraisal
division of ICICI close to 30 years back.
..but will the trend continue?
Ignore, if for only a moment, all that you
hear about how unfair companies are to women. True, the working
environment in certain Indian companies is rich enough in sexual-innuendos
to make Judge Clarence Thomas cringe; most male managers and male bosses
are moderately sexist in at least some of their views; and men do tend to
be more networked than women. Still, it isn't any of these things that
pose the stiffest challenge to women aspiring to be CEOs. Says Manab Bose,
51, Director (HR), Tata Sons: ''The issue is not about providing
infrastructure or opportunities; it's mainly about the choices a woman has
to make.'' In other words, the primary impediment to women becoming CEOs
comes from within them.
Lal of Morgan Stanley admits that this is
indeed the case: ''I think many women executives stray away mid-career
because of personal reasons.'' In most cases, the 'personal reasons' take
the form of family and children. A woman who takes even a year off to bear
a child and start a family is missing out on a year on the fast-track.
Typically, this is something that happens
when the executive is still trying to stand out in a crowd of ambitious,
and equally-talented, peers. And, although a few companies have often
spoken about tweaking their policies to ensure that the careers of women
who take time off to start a family are not affected, the old world view
was that this is not a practicable solution. Some women like Camellia
Panjabi, 59, Executive Director, Indian Hotels, thinks that still holds
true: ''Companies cannot foster gender-specific practices.''
A few women executives like Amrita Patel, the
55-year-old chairperson of the National Dairy Development Board, take the
extreme way out. No marriage. No family. Says Patel: ''If you have to get
anywhere in your career, you cannot ask for concessions.'' Adds Lalita
Gupte: ''Never make excuses if you are a woman. I never asked for a
flexi-time option. That would have been the end of my career.''
The new generation of potential women-CEOs,
though, seems to have been able to achieve a balance. Vibha Desai, the
37-year-old executive director and head of the Delhi branch of Ogilvy
& Mather, is the mother of two daughters; Smita Anand, the 41-year-old
head of the Change Practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers, has two sons. She
says: "Women's skills synergise well with the fast-paced business
environment today where the only constant is change." Adds Desai:
"Women who continue to be in the workforce after marriage and
children are clearly committed and determined to succeed. Companies need
to be flexible in their attitude to harness their potential. If someone
cannot come early or stay late or travel frequently because of a baby or a
family, but is a top performer otherwise, why should this be an
issue?" Adds Gitu Gidwani Verma, 33, Marketing Controller, Frito-Lay:
''When I was hired from the FMS campus in late eighties by P&G, one of
the first things that I was quizzed about were my plans regarding marriage
and family. Now, no one in these companies would dream of asking a woman
professional such questions. Today, if a woman manager is skilled,
committed, and has the right attitude, organisations have no problems
accommodating her needs. They would do this and much more as a premium for
the skills."
The recent emergence of unconventional career
options can be counted as another factor that will help the cause of women
who do not wish to compromise on either work or life. The woman of the
house could manage a successful business from home. Or the man of the
house could, while his wife clocks-in those critical hours at her CFO job.
In some cases, women in senior executive positions have spouses who are,
themselves, senior executives.
With due apologies to David Ogilvy (whose
best-seller Confessions Of An Advertising Man, in the most
politically-incorrect of ways, is better known than Jane Moss' Confessions
Of An Advertising Woman), the CEO isn't a moron-she's your wife.