The Case of Old vs New
Blending Two
As the CEO
of both the traditional company PowerWare and the new economy venture
Netronix, Khurana is well placed to address the issues of culture and
business focus from two different planes. He must, in the first instance,
bifurcate the businesses as different divisions or separate companies
having their own identities. He must nurture Netronix as an agile company
developing its own culture with a focused vision. Secondly, he should use
the experience gained at Netronix to transform PowerWare into a company
that does things differently in the electrical industry. Accordingly, hr
systems and processes in both the organisations should be determined by
the needs of these two companies. They don't need to have a common policy.
While PowerWare is a largely old economy, Netronix is part of a revolution
where it is difficult to map an unpredictable future. However, Netronix's
hr processes could still be benchmarked with the industry practices.
two must be bifurcated into separate businesses with their own
Raman Madhok
Executive Director, JISCO |
Khurana has to ensure, through appropriate
communication channels, that all employees of PowerWare recognise the fact
that the idea behind setting up Netronix is to provide value-added
services at every link in the value chain. He must reiterate the fact that
the new business will require time to stabilise and that it will be a
drain on the resources of the organisation in the short term but, if
nurtured well, deliver very high returns to all the stakeholders of
PowerWare. The success of Netronix will also demonstrate the company's
ability to constantly renew itself in anticipation of future technology
In conclusion, employees of the two
companies require different kind of ambience, skill sets, reward and
recognition systems, simply because the customers they cater to are
different. Khurana should, in my view, restrict himself to providing the
vision and allow it to be realised through different processes and systems
at Netronix and PowerWare.
Khurana is
facing challenges that are quite typical for an incumbent launching a new
economy business. To successfully address these challenges Khurana must
address five key issues:
- Organisational structure: It is
important to delink Netronix from PowerWare. The portal business must
be quickly spun off as a Strategic Business Unit (SBU) with its own
resource pool. This would be a precursor to turning Netronix into a
separate legal entity and making Initial Public and Employee Stock
Option offers possible. The delinking also enables each organisation
to develop its own culture.
independent active board of directors should be considered for
Paresh Vaish,
Principal, McKinsey & Co. |
- People strategy: Khurana may need
to hire external people for Netronix, particularly in technology and
marketing, as PowerWare may not have all the relevant skills in-house.
However, he should allow PowerWare staffers with the requisite skills
to move to Netronix if they so desire. He must make it clear that
there is no fallback option and the move cannot be reversed. The new
economy business is a high-risk, high-reward business and all must
share the risks and rewards equally.
- Compensation policy: Khurana's
compensation policy for the new economy business should be
performance-based. This means that fixed salary levels could be
moderate, but performance-based bonuses and ESOPs would boost the
total compensation package and make it attractive. Parity between
PowerWare and Netronix salaries should prevail only at the level of
the fixed component of the salary. While Khurana might find it
difficult to slash the salaries of migrants from PowerWare, he should
increase the variable component in their compensation.
- Governance: With PowerWare and
Netronix functioning as two separate businesses, Khurana need not
worry about the need for integration. Khurana should also consider
having an independent, active board of directors for Netronix. This
board could be constituted with a mix of venture capitalists, domain
specialists, and entrepreneurs with good track records.
- Planning and Performance Monitoring:
Khurana must ensure that he has a robust business plan, based on
discussions with vendors and customers. He must focus more on planning
than on performance reviews-of both the micro-processes and the
business as a whole-so that mid-course corrections can be introduced
without delay.
Netronix is being funded by PowerWare, integration of the two is
Kesav V.Nori,
chief Information Officer, TCS |
PowerWare is financing Netronix from its internal accruals, the various
stakeholders-including the employees-in PowerWare are very much part of
the new initiative. Khurana must take the task of integrating the two
businesses seriously. The important task is to secure the buy-in of
PowerWare employees. Khurana must address this on a priority basis. Two
questions arise here: what are the reasons for the high levels of
motivation among Netronix employees? And can those reasons motivate
PowerWare staff equally? Within Netronix, there is an excitement of
building a new business. There is a future to look forward to. And people
are at the cutting edge of technology and customer service. Khurana must
ensure that these very reasons form the basis of renewal of PowerWare's
own operations.
The perception that Netronix is all set to
grow and expand, while PowerWare will stagnate is at the root cause of
disillusionment among PowerWare employees. This must be rectified in two
ways. An assurance should be provided that the sacrifices being made by
PowerWare employees (in terms of reduction in their bonus, for example)
are basically an investment in the future of the company and their own
individual prosperity. Secondly, PowerWare needs a new vision that could
propel it into market leadership position within a clearly laid out
time-frame. The company should look beyond its current customers and
markets. Tapping the customised market, for example, can enhance customer
focus within PowerWare. It is also important to build the necessary
support mechanism-like training and development-to help people realise
that vision. Khurana should also spearhead transformation initiatives-like
Total Quality Management or Business Process Re-engineering-at PowerWare
that help knock the entire organisation, however traditional, into a
focused and forward-looking team.
The setting up of Netronix has created a
new space within the company. It has opened up new opportunities for the
business as a whole. Khurana must look for ways in which the hidden wealth
of PowerWare-the power of experience, the strength of an idea, the
knowledge base-can be tapped. The focus should be on identifying the inner
resources and use them to improve various business processes-like
improving customer relations, reducing order-to-delivery cycle time,
cutting costs, speeding up response times, increasing volumes, and
enhancing margins. There are many synergies that could be exploited by
both the businesses. For example, Netronix gets a captive base of
PowerWare vendors and customers who can use the portal to enhance their
distribution clout and scale up operations.
The Netronix team may well have the
capability and the willingness to succeed. But Khurana could also use the
venture as a testing ground before he commits to major investments.
Netronix could finally be spun off as an independent venture when it
begins to shows promise of taking-off.

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