The CEO Imperative
A new CEO, recruited from outside, will be
the real turnaround agent who will enthuse his team to share his vision
and accept rapid changes in work practices.
By Pradip
Pradip Chanda, Turnaround
Consultant |
The first
task of a new board in an under-performing company is to change the way
the organisation works. Merely legislating a change in the work content
and style are not enough. It requires induction of change agents at all
levels, including the top. In fact, the prime responsibility of the board
is to find an effective CEO, one who is capable of changing the mindsets
of the employees to adapt to the demands of the new environment and help
them perform to the best of their ability. The challenges are greater when
the situation requires retraining and redeployment of skills and enhancing
the knowledge base of the company.
This is not an easy task. Most incumbent CEOs
of under-performing companies appear to have fallen out of step with
market reality. As the going gets tougher, most end up being
micro-managers fussing over routine chores and then justifying their
actions by proudly stating that crisis management takes up all their time.
Alternatively, they spend their time blaming other external factors for
under-performance. The outcome is the total failure of the incumbent CEO,
wherein he loses clarity of purpose soon after he loses the respect of his
team and this leads to an erosion of authority.
It is unlikely that sick companies will have
talent within that can be promoted. High-quality second-line managers
would have left for safer havens. Among those who stayed behind would be a
fair amount of those jockeying for power, especially as the CEO's
authority diminishes. Promoting someone from this club is tantamount to
stoking a highly avoidable fire.
To begin with such managers would be
comfortable with the work culture of the under-performing company and will
show a high degree of tolerance for slackness and inefficiency. Secondly,
stuck in the quagmire of crisis management, they would have been insulated
from innovations within the industry, making them unfit for the top job.
Thirdly, they would be more comfortable looking for incremental
improvements, when the demand is for radical changes.
The best bet is to recruit from outside. The
new CEO, duly empowered by the board, will be the real change agent in the
turnaround process and will enthuse the management and workers to share
his turnaround-vision and accept rapid changes in work practices.
In the case of family-owned companies in
trouble where family members occupy key executive positions, finding a new
CEO will prove to be difficult. Here, the board has to persuade the owners
to redefine their roles and continue as significant shareholders but
relinquish their right to manage.
Unfortunately such soul searching among
owners rarely happens-unless large shareholders and lenders press for it.
As it is the shareholder's money that is lost in under-performing
companies, they should point out to the owner that he has abdicated the
right to manage the company and that the management of the company has to
be entrusted to a new CEO.
Have the institutional lenders finally woken
up? A recent news item suggests that it may be so. ''A bit of corporate
history,'' said the news item, ''was created the other day when the 80
plus lenders to Arvind Mills decided to exercise their collective muscle
and restructure the Board, with the right to nominate eight out of twelve
directors, including the Chairman.'' However, my delight at reading the
news item was diluted when I learnt that the lenders have agreed to make
the choice from a panel suggested by the company. That is because such a
concession to the present management of an under-performing company
imposes unacceptable constraints on the Board's ability to act
independently. I wonder how the newly-constituted board of Arvind Mills
will address the CEO-selection issue.