viral is all the rage, and we are not talking about the nasty
bug that infiltrates North India at the end of every season. We
are talking about the viral advert-a short animated clip, or sometimes
simple image, which is spread by regular people, you and me, for
example, who see it on the internet and find it funny. It is,
in essence, the latest iteration of that age-old trusted marketing
medium: word-of-mouth.
As Indian companies are realising the full
potential of the internet, a slew of agencies is springing up,
creating virals and communities for them, building customer loyalty
and brand equity, all for a fraction of the cost of regular ads,
and heck, they don't even need to use cricketers.
One of India's leading agency for online
creative work is the Delhi-based WebChutney, which recently won
an award at AdFest Asia in Singapore for its work on Perfetti's
Protex brand. The work, Daddu ki Amanat, is not just a viral.
WebChutney's CEO Sidharth Rao describes it as an "integrated
campaign" that features not just a funny animated sequence
but also a game. Since the time the campaign started, some 300,000
people have visited the site. "This has definitely been one
of our most successful campaigns ever," he says.
What sort of company uses a viral campaign?
Says Deep Kalra, CEO, MakeMyTrip, one of the first companies to
discover the power of a viral campaign in India: "The strange
thing is that people today tend to trust an anonymous stranger
online rather than a person in their family or someone they work
with. The power of a viral campaign spreads when people start
forwarding it or make a blog post linked to that."
The other major online marketing campaign
strategy is to build an online community. No community has been
more successful than Hindustan Unilever's Gang of Girls (GOG)
developed around the Sunsilk brand. Chaya Carvalho, CEO, bcWebwise,
the company that created GOG, is the first to admit that GOG was
backed up by a tremendous over-the-line campaign that was bound
to attract eyeballs. "But we have constantly refreshed the
site and added new features. For example, we have just started
GOG TV, which allows our members to share videos with each other.
Getting someone for a short one-time visit isn't magic; the magic
is in making a community good enough for people to come back again
and again and spend time on the site." Carvalho, a BT alum,
admits that GOG has achieved that kind of stickiness. With an
estimated half-a-million girls on its rolls as registered members,
GOG is one of the most popular community sites with the Indian
internet population.

Hungama's Roy: Huge potential,
big money
That Indian companies are becoming more aware
of the power of the internet is evident from the fact that many
of them-and even government agencies-have moved from static text
pages with poor and clunky graphics and bad colour combinations,
to slick, state-of-the-art websites with embedded Java functionality.
They are now also realising the power of the internet as a marketing
medium; and with few traditional agencies serving the market,
small start-ups like WebChutney and BCWebwise have stolen a march.
"It isn't as if large agencies don't
have web divisions. Almost every large agency worth its salt has
an 'interactive' division, but perhaps because of the limited
billings, they haven't been as aggressive as one might have thought,"
Carvalho says. Rao estimates that the typical viral campaign costs
in the range of Rs 5-15 lakh, depending on the length, quality
and type of animation. "And you do get the cream of the audience
online-people who are decision-makers and trend-setters. It is
a hugely effective medium," Carvalho adds. So effective,
that Neeraj Roy's Hungama (another pioneer in web virals in India)
is betting big on virals moving on to the mobile platform. At
3gsm in Barcelona, he said that he plans to distribute short movie
clips over mobile phones.
But things can also go wrong, "No branding
should be too blatant. It's known that Sunsilk promotes GOG, but
the brand is not overpowering," Carvalho points out. Worse
still, as Rao says: "We just do the creative and other online
work; we don't make the company's end-product. If that sucks,
I don't think a viral can help you."
The entire web-business, which includes search-optmisation,
banner advertising, virals and community site building-is currently
valued at Rs 250-275 crore; the viral and community market form
the smallest slice of this pie. Even though neither Rao nor Carvalho
would give definite numbers, estimates put the market at Rs 10
crore; that is expected to double every year for the next few
years as India plugs into broadband. "A year ago, we would
be lucky to get one company to talk to us every month. Now, I
have to fend off potential customers. We get 8-10 queries a month,
and it is difficult to keep up," Rao says.
It's obviously a win-win situation for everyone.