Cool it: FM P. Chidambaram
and RBI chief Y.V. Reddy |
Over the last two months,
the government has tried to curb inflation through various interventions-from
reducing taxes to raising the cost of loans to nudging banks to
go slow on lending. The question is: will these moves curb growth
and dampen investor sentiment? Quite possible. For, blunting the
spending potential of consumers will signal companies to put off
investments, in effect, hamper economic growth. On the other hand,
the reason for these interventions-inflation, hovering around
a two-year high of 6.73 per cent for the last two weeks-is beginning
to worry the companies, since higher inflation will dent profitability.
That's because rising input costs (the reason for inflation) cannot
be transferred to the consumer without sales getting affected.
Clearly, the intervention is more in the nature of chemotherapy-side
effects galore.
While the government is grappling with the pace and intensity
of intervention to balance inflation and growth, good economics
demands a wider debate to derive an optimal solution for the problem:
First, how about inflation-led growth? Secondly, why not hasten
the pace of inclusive growth in the financial sector? The first
issue is not likely to find immediate favour with the political
class, given the psychological value of the inflation figure in
the eyes of the voting class. But fact remains that any serious
attempt to tackle inflation will nibble into growth.
Mitigation of such side effects lies in hastening the pace of
inclusive growth in the financial sector-the reach of the banking
sector as a percentage of the country's GDP is a little over 50
per cent, compared to over 100 per cent in developed countries.
This growth is already evident, with the banking system spreading
its arms beyond the metropolis-notwithstanding the repeated interventions
by the government over the last few months, credit growth is still
robust, although now there are some signs of the growth slowing.
The other aspect of structural reforms in the financial sector
that will reduce the inflationary pressure on a system is the
development of a mature long-term debt market. In the absence
of this, the financial market is akin to a sail boat in high seas-interest
rates can be significantly volatile. This measure is all the more
important given the direction of trade, which points to integration
with the global markets. After all, the recent cause of inflation
is the rise in prices of primary goods in the global market, be
it wheat, whose prices have risen three-fold over the last few
years, or crude oil prices (we import more than 70 per cent of
our needs). Given that inflation is a symptom, palliatives need
to be carefully administered.
Wanted Dialogue

Balanced view: The
SC's stay offers time for debate |
Can you base an important
policy of state on statistics that are 76 years old? Logically,
the answer to that should be an emphatic no. But Indian politicians,
with rare exceptions, have never been known to think logically.
When Union Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh, in
a desperate bid to shore up his party's (and many say his own)
credentials with a crucial vote bank, announced a 27 per cent
reservation for Other Backward Castes (OBCs), he forgot, or glossed
over, an important fact: the government did not have up-to-date
data on the caste-wise composition of society. The entire policy
is based on the report of the Mandal Commission, which had based
its recommendations on the 1931 census, the last time India's
population had been collated on the basis of castes.
This was an obvious infirmity, and the Supreme Court, which
was hearing a batch of petitions challenging the imposition of
quotas, was quick to point this out while granting an interim
stay on Singh's ambitious plan to emerge as the champion of a
politically active vote bank. The hearings will continue, and
so will the debate, and politicking over quotas.
This magazine has, several times in the past, iterated why it
thinks quotas, as they are being implemented, are a bad idea.
But that is not why bt is writing this edit. We feel the Supreme
Court stay (it is only ad-interim in nature, so the final word
on the issue will take some time in coming) offers the government
some crucial time to thrash out a consensus on the issue. Reservations
have divided Indian society like no other issue. And the government
has not been able to shake off the impression that its proactive
stance has more to do with the Congress' diminishing stock at
the hustings than with any real concern for the deprived sections
of society. The need of the hour is a sustained dialogue with
all sections of public opinion.
The impression, unfortunately, is gaining ground that the pro-quota
lobby within the government is hell-bent on pushing through its
agenda, regardless of the cost. While this may benefit the high
priest of the quota raj politically (though we doubt if it will),
it will needlessly lead to a legislature-versus-judiciary tussle
in which the net loser will be the institution of democracy. So,
in addition to poisoning the social fabric of the nation, quotas
will also lead to a weakening of the very edifice on which this
nation stands.
Our request to the government: abandon this path of confrontation
and begin the dialogue now.
The Halo Fades
Troubled times:
CPI(M)'s Karat |
You have to hand it to
CPI(M) leaders. they don't cow down easily. Reacting to the killings
in Nandigram in West Bengal, Prakash Karat, General Secretary
of the party, said the incident was "regrettable and unfortunate".
Biman Bose, Chairman of the Left Front in West Bengal, reacted
to the Calcutta High Court ordering a Central Bureau of Investigation
probe into the incident by calling the judiciary "a giant
crab trying to eat into the very foundations of democracy".
That's not all; the party also poured vitriol on West Bengal Governor
Rajmohan Gandhi's public proclamation of anguish at the Nandigram
massacre. The norms by which these self-styled keepers of national
morality judge other political parties obviously do not apply
to themselves.
The smaller partners in the Left Front, however, haven't been
so evasive. CPI General Secretary A.B. Bardhan called the police
firing "barbaric". Some other partners have called the
CPI(M) "arrogant". And many intellectuals and activists,
the Left's so-called "fellow travellers", who still
control the country's knowledge filters and shape the public discourse
(mostly for the party's benefit), have also come out openly against
the issue. The monolithic Left, which has always (except during
the NDA regime) exercised influence out of proportion to its strength
on the ground, is beginning to display the cracks that it has,
till now, successfully papered over.
So, is the Left Front on the verge of a break up? Well, it's
still too early to say, but the signs of dissent and disaffection
within its ranks are clearly visible. Will it have an impact on
national politics? Definitely; and the fallout will have both
positive and negative effects.
If the Left splits-and stripped of the moral authority it (unjustifiably)
enjoys-it will find its clout at the Centre considerably pared,
though this will become evident only after the next general elections.
This will take away the effective veto it now enjoys over economic
legislations. Most people will view this as a huge blessing.
On the flip side, it will allow smaller parties like the Forward
Bloc-which has threatened to oppose the Reliances and the Wal-Marts
from setting up retail chains across India-to behave like loose
canons. Without the guiding hand of Big Brother, the smaller parties
are likely to become even more irresponsible, especially on economic
issues on which their views are still guided by antediluvian theories
which have been rejected elsewhere in the world.
The Big Question, though, is: will the Left Front break up?
It will be touch and go.