Perseverance Pays |
Anil K. Khandelwal,
Chairman, BOB Housing Finance |
are strategic individuals who make significant difference to the
sustenance of organisations. It is but a good leader who has the
ability to turn around the future of even a moribund organisation.
Effective leaders possess certain skills that
help them lead their organisation to success in a competitive environment.
The ability to diagnose current trends in the market, products,
people and internal processes, and to identify 'what is causing
what' makes a good leader an effective analyst; a person who can
catch the pulse of situations. The ability to clairvoyantly architect
a future for the organisation is the next trait a good leader possesses.
The ability to connect with people and create a vision in their
minds for the future of the organisation, makes a leader a proficient
guide. Leaders create growth opportunities for their employees and
encourage them to contribute towards the success of the organisation.
The ability to demonstrate and execute what is possible to achieve,
is the last and most important trait that distinguishes a leader
from others. Good leaders spend a lot of their time on 'people'
processes: Identifying and grooming exceptional talents, developing
co-leaders, dealing with the anxiety and emotions of employees,
creating learning opportunities and holding interactive sessions
with employees and customers to gain insights into their problems.
It is through reflective learning that leaders transform people
and organisations.
It is difficult even for a good leader to lead
in dire circumstances. Yet, what sustains such leaders is the strength
to pursue the agenda for change in spite of crises. True leadership
is, therefore, about perseverance.