was when choosing an investment was easy-you scarcely looked beyond
government instruments or the bank and company fixed deposits
(FDs). There were only debt instruments to choose from and they
fetched steady returns of around 10-12 per cent. Back then, you
were really pressed for choice. But with the economy taking off
over the last four years, the stock market presented an attractive
alternative to conservative fixed income investors. Stocks returned
a strong debt-beating performance. At the same time, debt returns
were dwindling as bank fixed deposit rates fell from 11 per cent
to a miserly 6 per cent (see On the Rise). Debt was sidelined.
Now, it's back.
Times change. Thanks to the Reserve Bank of India's liquidity
squeeze, interest rates are on the rise again. The fallout: A
bank deposit is again promising you double digit interest rates.
The rate hike that began last year has taken the bank interest
rates on FDs up to over 10.5 per cent. Now, the rate hikes are
nearly twice as much as the lows reached in 2003. That spells
good news for fixed income investors.
Over the last year, many investors have been considering debt.
Fixed maturity plans (FMPs) have been raking in the moolah since
January this year. Some have even moved from equity to debt as
the stock markets are priced quite high. There is little official
data to suggest how much money has actually moved from equity
to debt. Market watchers and analysts, however, speculate that
in March alone, at least Rs 7,000-8,000 crore worth of retail
money has gone debt-wise.
Broadly speaking, if you were to walk on the debt route, you
have plenty of options before you. New alternatives such as FMPs
to floating rate funds, in addition to six traditional options
of government-backed savings instruments, many of which have not
lost their charm. So how can you make the most of the current
fixed-income atmosphere?
The Debt Scenario
On March 30, 2007, the Reserve Bank of India hiked repo rate
by 25 basis points to 7.75 per cent and the cash reserve ratio
by 50 basis points to 6.5 per cent in two stages of 25 basis points
each. With this hike, there's been a flurry of activity in the
debt market. Short-term interest rates have spiked up, while the
longer-term rates have remained stable. The 10-year G-Sec yield
is hovering around 8 per cent, whereas shorter-term rates have
inched closer. What this means for investors is that sticking
to the shorter-tenure deposits is more profitable than investing
in longer-term paper.
Your Debt Options |
Liquid Funds
Used as an alternative option to savings bank. Invest in money
market instruments and have a lock-in period of a maximum
of three days and offer redemption proceeds within 24 hours.
YIELD: 6.88 per cent*
Floating Rate Funds
These invest in floating rate instruments and fixed
rate corporate bonds. For investors who want to reduce risk
due to interest rate fluctuations.
YIELD: 6.90 per cent*
Fixed Maturity Plans
These, typically, are plans for a fixed tenure ranging
mostly from 15 days to three years. They mostly invest in
fixed income instruments (bonds, government securities,
etc.) and money market instruments such that the fund matures
in the same period. Over one-year FMPs are best because
they can take advantage of indexation.
YIELD: 6.61 per cent*
Bond Funds
Targeted towards investors with a low appetite for risk
and for whom safety and returns are paramount. These pay
income regularly and their NAVs typically fluctuate less
than those of an equity fund. They invest in corporate papers,
GoI papers, money market instruments and call papers.
YIELD: 5.24 per cent*
Gilt Funds
They invest exclusively in government securities, including
state government securities and treasury bills. They are
safe and yield better returns than direct investments in
these securities.
YIELD: 4.83 per cent*
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
It is a savings-cum-tax saving instrument. Also serves
as a retirement planning tool due to its 15-year tenure.
Maximum annual deposit limit of Rs 70,000, but interest
is tax-free. Early withdrawals are possible after the end
of five years, and it makes a good tax-saver scheme.
Rate of return: 8 per cent
National Savings Certificate (NSC)
These are issued by the post offices in denominations
of Rs 100, Rs 1,000, Rs 5,000 and Rs 10,000 issued for a
maturity period of six years. Early encashment is not permissible.
Rate of return: 8 per cent
Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP)
Doubles your money in eight years, seven months (returns
exempt from TDS) and comes in denominations of Rs 100, Rs
500, Rs 1,000, Rs 10,000 and Rs. 50,000. Early encashment
is not permissible.
Rate of return: 8 per cent
Post Office Monthly Income Scheme
Offers a return of 8 per cent, payable in monthly installments.
Good for investors looking for a safe monthly income. However,
the upper limit for investment is Rs 6 lakh, but there are
no loan facilities.
Rate of return: 8 per cent
Government of India Bonds (Taxable)
These have a five-year tenure and are offered by the
Government of India, which carry a sovereign guarantee.
Rate of return: 8 per cent
Bank Fixed Deposits (FDs)
Rising interest rates have ensured that banks are once
again offering double-digit interest rates (10-10.25 per
cent) mostly on short-term deposits ranging from a few days
to a little over a year. Short-term bank deposits have once
again become a viable option for people willing to park
their funds safely for short durations.
Rate of return: 10.25 per
*Average annual yield (last four quarters)
These figures do not factor in actual return to an individual
investor as taxation with or without indexation and/or capital
gains are not considered
Source: Market
Analysts advise against an overhaul of the portfolio and not
over-tilt towards debt, if all you want to do is take advantage
of the spike in interest rates. Over the long-term investment
horizon, the current hike appears a temporary phenomenon. At this
point, make the best use of short-term instruments. Short-term
corporate bonds also saw their yields increasing over long paper.
you have a long-term horizon, say three years or more, stay
invested in equities irrespective of your age"
Sandesh Kirkire
CEO/ Kotak Mutual Fund |
On the other hand, if you are looking at a longer investment
horizon of, say, more than three years, stock investment is the
better option. "If you have a long-term horizon, say three
years or more, stay invested in equities irrespective of your
age," says Sandesh Kirkire, CEO, Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund.
Equities are typically a long-term play and offer the highest
return as compared to any other financial instrument, over a period
of, say, 15 years or more. "Risk associated with volatility
effectively evens out with time," he says.
But for the safer conservative investors, there's much to be
gained from a debt strategy that is tilted towards government
securities and highly rated corporate bonds. Maximise your returns
out of the brisk interest rate scenario primarily via short-term
investment options.
The Gilt Route
Perhaps you can park your money in short-term bond funds or
one-to-two-year gilt funds. These gilt funds invest exclusively
in government securities and money market instruments that are
of a shorter duration. As the yields have risen in the last 1-2
months, new investors in such funds will get higher returns.
The dual advantage of these funds is that there could be gains
through the appreciation of the NAV (net asset value). If the
interest rate on these short-term papers dip over the next six
months or so, which is quite likely, short-term bond fund investors
could make tidy returns through NAV increases.
"FMPs (fixed maturity
plans) have been offering an average annual return (AAR) of
over 6.5 per cent"
Amandeep Chopra
President and Head (Fixed Income)/ UTI Mutual Fund
The other option in the short-term is FMPs. These are, typically,
fixed tenure funds that invest in bonds. The bonds mature at the
same time the FMPs mature. Thus, investors will lock-in at higher
rates. FMPs are closed-end funds with tenures varying from 15
days to over a year. "FMPs have been offering an average
annual return (AAR) of over 6.5 per cent," informs Amandeep
Singh Chopra, President and Head (Fixed Income), UTI Mutual Fund.
Of late, the shorter-tenure FMPs make better options because of
the higher yields they are currently offering. However, FMPs do
indicate the returns but the final return depends on how the fund
has invested its portfolio.
Bank on FDs
The trusted old bank deposit is also back. Banks have been offering
9-10 per cent returns on fixed deposits of less than a year or
just about a year. For the extremely conservative investors, it's
the better option. However, do check the tax-incidence on this
form of investment if you are in the high tax bracket. This tends
to reduce the yields on the investment.
Liquid funds offer another smart alternative to short-term FDs.
Although AARs have just about reached 6.8 per cent mark in the
last one year (while yields on the former have topped 10 per cent),
liquid funds are redeemable within one working day and offer tax-free
dividends (with a DDT or dividend distribution tax of 25 per cent),
therefore, offering the twin benefits of moderate yields with
high liquidity. "Within the debt portion of their allocation,
one could invest 40-45 per cent in FMPs, 20-25 per cent in liquid
funds, while the remainder can be a mix of medium-term and short-term
funds," offers Chaitanya Pandey, Debt Fund Manager, ICICI
Prudential AMC.
The Debt Choices
Five ways to a smart debt portfolio.
Stick to shorter-end of the maturities, i.e., invest
for maximum of one-to-two years as the interest rates are
higher at the lower end
» Invest
in FMPs as over a one-year tenure FMPs are tax-efficient due
to indexation benefits that come with long-term capitals
» Ensure
that not all your fixed income or deposits mature at the same
» Choose
instruments that offer tax-breaks, like the PPF, if you are
in the higher tax bracket »
Look for safe instruments with a higher credit
rating and don't chase returns |
By the time you turn 45, say managers, you should be looking
at an asset allocation of 40-60 in favour of debt. "Once
you have 15 years of service left, an incremental shift towards
debt is advisable," opines Rajiv Shastri, Head (Alternate
Business), Lotus India AMC. At this stage, you might typically
have a minimal appetite for risk, and consider safety and return
with equal importance. The best option, then, for you would be
to begin investing in bond funds. This guarantees a regular income
and their NAVs typically fluctuate less than any equity fund.
Bond funds normally invest in corporate papers, GoI (Government
of India) papers, money market instruments and call papers and
have recorded an AAR of 5.24 per cent in the last year.
But if you are among the senior citizens and safety of your
asset is paramount, increase the allocation to debt. "At
this stage, an investor should look at physically shifting some
of his equity instruments into debt," suggests Shastri, "The
remainder equity allocation will essentially tide you over inflationary
pressures." If you are at this stage, gilt funds can be a
viable option for you. These invest exclusively in government
securities, including state government securities and treasury
bills. They are safe and yield higher effective returns than direct
investments in these securities.
Fall Back on Safety
you have 15 years of service left, an incremental shift towards
debt is advisable"
Rajiv Shastri
Head (Alternate Business)/ Lotus India AMC |
But for the safety-first investor, there are longer-term options
in the government savings schemes essentially marketed by the
post office. You could consider government-promoted debt instruments
like the Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP), which doubles your money in
eight years and seven months at 8.25 per cent and has no TDS (tax
deduction at source) on withdrawal. Whereas the KVP offers no
tax benefits, schemes such as the National Savings Certificate
(NSC) and the Public Provident Fund (PPF), both of which offer
interest at 8 per cent, remain popular tax saving instruments.
Another good option, especially for senior citizens, is the
Post Office Monthly Income Scheme with a maximum deposit limit
of Rs 6 lakh and a maturity period of six years. It offers an
annual rate of 8 per cent payable monthly. In addition to this,
you could consider 8 per cent taxable GoI bonds issued by designated
banks, which offer half-yearly interest payouts.
But post office savings instruments are long-tenure in nature,
ideal for conservative investors, typically retirees. Returns
here are fixed and they are not likely to change in the next year.
But once you invest, you are locked-in at that rate. At this moment,
investors have a good opportunity in investing in higher yields
for the next one year and take advantage of the short-term spike
in rates. Short-term bond funds and FMPs make attractive options.
You might find fixed income worth it.
Subject to Many Risks
There's more behind a fund's standard
disclaimer. Here's what you should know about the risks in your
By Amit Mukherjee
days buyers do not take the idea of risk seriously. No one
knows when the economic cycle will reverse"
Himanshu Kohli
Financial Planner/Client Associates |
an oft-repeated disclaimer that vanishes off the tv screen faster
than you can read it-mutual funds are subject to market risk,
please read the offer document carefully before investing. But
there's more to the standard disclaimer. There's a risk of the
fund manager moving to another fund, or the risk of a takeover
of the fund, or even of portfolio composition. So what are the
various kinds of risks that your fund faces?
Market risk is totally dependent on the way
the market moves.
If the market rises, you gain and vice versa.
A fund can yield among the highest returns in its peer set in
a runaway market by adopting an aggressive investment approach.
But it could also end up losing it all when the market falls.
This means that the returns are highly volatile. If an investor
enters a fund when the broad markets are on a downslide, it could
even lead investors to lose their principal. But if one invests
in an uptick, there's money to be made.
Future, Not Past
But the bigger risk for an investor probably
lies in how he perceives the performance of the fund. Fund houses
often talk about the past performance of the fund to attract new
investors. But past performance does not mean that the fund will
perform the same or better in the future. "Investors are
increasingly going by the past records and are overlooking the
fact that these are market-linked instruments and are liable to
fluctuate with the ups and downs of the market," warns Gaurav
Mashruwala, a Mumbai-based financial planner.
More often than not, investors get swayed
by the past returns. While this could be attributed to investors'
lack of awareness, sometimes investors aren't informed about the
negatives of staying in a fund. "Sometimes products are being
wrongly sold in which investors are being only informed about
their upside and not their downside," says Surya Bhatia,
a Delhi-based financial planner.
Five Ways to Know Your Fund Better
Five ways to a smart debt portfolio.
Check investment strategies. The investment
strategy of a fund is key to its performance. Check the asset
class in which your fund is investing and also how it has
distributed its portfolio within that asset class. The periodic
handouts should provide the answers
» Assess
the risks. Every asset has a different level of risk.
Equities come with the highest risk whereas bonds have lower
risk. The prospectus should outline the risks that go in your
fund. But match your own risk tolerance with that of the mutual
fund. If you are averse to risk, select funds that have lower
» Scrutinise
the performance. See how your fund is faring against the
markets and the indices your fund has benchmarked itself too.
If the fund has returned more than its benchmark indice, it
has outperformed. Do also compare your fund's performance
against its peer class and see where it stands. Look at the
track record of a fund over a time period, but remember past
performance does not guarantee future returns.
» Understand
fees and expenses. Know what is going to be your fund's
entry and exit loads. Understand how these expenses affect
your returns.
» Know
the tax status. The tax status of a fund's dividend distribution
and capital appreciation differs between various types of
funds. Know whether they will be treated as dividend income
or capital gains. |
A must-ask question is: will the market perform
tomorrow and what is the expectation from the market? That's a
call investors should take, and understand the risks associated
with the call. Last few years were positive for almost all asset
classes. "But when the economic cycle reverses, no one knows,"
says Himanshu Kohli, a financial planner with Client Associates.
"These days, buyers don't take the idea of risk seriously,"
adds Kohli. Never be in a tearing hurry without knowing the fund
that you are investing in. Says Mashruwala: "People sometimes
invest in a hurry to avail tax benefits, and do not take the trouble
of going through offer documents carefully."
the objectivity of a fund before one allocates money is the
first step an investor must take"
Surya Bhatia
Financial Planner |
Portfolio Composition
Although there are rules that govern an equity
portfolio composition, there's often the chance that fund managers
could miss the opportunities of the market. A fund cannot invest
more than 5 per cent in a stock or 10 per cent in a sector. Therefore,
a fund has to diversify to reduce portfolio risks. But a fund
can completely miss the performance route, if it has invested
in stocks and sectors that aren't moving up in the market. Different
stocks move at various times. If a fund has stocks that are largely
placid in a booming market, the fund will under-perform the broader
Therefore, a fund manager's skills and stock
picking acumen are necessary while selecting a fund. A fund manager
should be able to identify and invest in stocks that are out-performers
in the market. In a sector fund, for instance, there's a sectoral
concentration risk. If the sector does not perform, the investor
loses out.
Therefore, keep tabs on the funds portfolio
regularly and understand its limitations. Most investors don't.
"This might lead to a problematic situation, though an investor
actually never comes to know the exact fate of his money sometimes,"
says Mashruwala. In general, small, mid- and large-cap funds have
three different risk factors, because they move differently. Besides,
the benchmark to which the fund is attributed may not have the
stocks that a fund has invested in.
For debt fund investors, there's a risk of
default. If a fund has invested in poor-quality paper which yields
higher returns, then there's the risk that the paper could default.
A company can default on its repayments which makes the paper
worthless. Thus the fund can lose out on its returns. Other risks,
such as liquidity risks and an interest rate risk, could also
affect your debt fund's performance. The interest rate movement
in the economy has an inverse effect on the net asset value (NAV)
of a standard debt fund. If the rate rises, bond NAVs tend to
fall resulting in lower returns for the investor. On the other
hand, for equity funds, there's the risk of volatility, which
often leads to hasty decisions.
Keep an eye out on a fund's objectives. "Knowing
the objective of a fund before one allocates money is the first
step an investor must take," says Bhatia. The offer document
outlines the investment parameters and objectives. "It is
critical from the perspective of performance, deliverables and
risk factors involved. And even more importantly from the asset
allocation point of view an investor wants to maintain in his
portfolio," he adds.
The Warning Signs
Declining corpus. Withdrawals from a fund
and its shrinking corpuses could suggest that the fund is
losing favour among investors.
» Out
of style strategy. If a fund's investment style is out
of favour with the market, fund performance is hampered. For
instance, a mid-cap fund may not be able to match up to a
large-cap fund if the rest of the market fancies large-cap
» Fund
manager leaves. When a fund manager leaves for another
fund house, a change in investment pattern could affect performance.
» Poor
performance. If your fund has been consistently underperforming
against benchmark indices or is way below the broad market
performance or has underperformed its peer group. |
Other Risks
Fund managers are critical to the performance
of the fund. But there's the risk of the fund manager leaving
and a new fund manager completely changing the style of the fund.
Of late, many fund managers have been shifting banners. "It's
possible some investors allocate money to a particular fund manager
and the fund manager changes the job. One option is to redeem
and invest with a new fund. However, it would lead to some adverse
costs like exit load/ entry load and taxes," Kohli asserts.
But one should also look at the fund house
and the systems it has for portfolio composition. Says Bhatia:
"If a fund manager switches jobs, it need not result in a
switch from that fund. The fund should be put on the watch list
and its performance should be watched carefully. What is more
critical is to understand the systems and controls of the fund
house within which the fund manager had been operating."
There's risk written over all funds. So while
choosing investment options, it's an essential pre-requisite to
understand the category of fund-either equity, or hybrid or a
debt. Compare the fund with its peer set and with the market for,
say, a two-year period. Your fund should ideally figure in the
top quartile of its category. If it has done that, comfortably,
then it has managed risks better.
Safe, Not Sorry
It offers the convenience of buying from
home, but much can go wrong. Here's how to know your online shopping
spree is secure.
By Rahul Sachitanand
tickets, flowers, jewellery, apparel and electronic accessories
are among the many goodies that you can buy from the comfort of
your living room, thanks to rapidly growing broadband. Retailers
are also making their presence felt online with a host of new
(retailing) websites mushrooming every day. But there's many a
compromise for the unsuspecting online shopper and much e-pain
can be avoided by following some simple rules when you are shopping
The online business is growing by leaps and bounds, which means
that many new e-shoppers are turning online to its convenience.
According to some industry estimates, the online travel business,
valued at around Rs 9,000 crore, is the largest and fastest growing
segment in the e-retailing market. Books, electronics and mobiles
are not too far behind. But before you log on to bargain hunt
on the net, here's what you should make sure for a safe e-shopping.
Rolex watch
for Rs 2,000 is perhaps a clear
sign that something's wrong"
Subho Ray
President/ IAMAI |
area of online commerce is evolving and the laws are maturing
with its evolution"
Pawan Duggal
IT & IP law expert |
Secure Sites
When buying online, ideally stick to well-known sites. Shopping
sites should have the latest 128-bit encryption technology, which
ensures that the data is secure. This technology encrypts data
in a way that is difficult to crack online. This data is then
decoded at the merchant's end and processed. Online merchants
who have products such as VeriSign to protect their consumer data
also make the cut. "With the evolution of encryption technology,
it is perhaps safer to give out your credit card details at a
travel portal than in a small store or restaurant," claims
Deep Kalra, Founder & CEO of makemytrip.com, a Sequoia Capital-funded
travel and hospitality portal. Aside from asking for conventional
details, several sites have begun to ask for additional information
such as pin (Personal Identification Number) to ensure that details
are genuine.
The Offline Network
For regular online shoppers, it may also be worthwhile to check
if the merchant has a strong stocking or warehousing network and
allows you to book or request for something that's currently unavailable.
"We can source most requests in a couple of days since we
have a strong offline presence," says K. Vaitheeswaran, COO,
indiaplaza.com. Large online retailers such as Indiaplaza have
a large customer base (one million, according to Vaitheeswaran)
and sell Mysore silk sarees to Tata Sky direct-to-home (DTH) services
Frequent users of online commerce portals say that a key reason
to stick with one site (or a brand) is the back end services that
it can offer. These include the size and access to warehouses,
ability to deliver product on time and perhaps most importantly
the ability to accept refunds and returns without question. "More
than technological issues such as payment gateways, consumers
want these issues addressed," says Vaitheeswaran. A good
way to check this is to call a customer service cell and get definite
answers on the company's refund policy and the time taken to respond
to queries. For example, Vaitheeswaran says, users can request
for specific book titles or other products and the site will revert
when it becomes available. "Online retailing has grown rapidly
over the last couple of years and many of us have strengthened
our back end and worked on logistics over the last few months
to keep pace," says Dinesh Wadhwan, CEO, Times Internet,
which operates the popular Indiatimes and Times Jobs portals.
Click for Secure Deals |
Stay with well-known portals
Reveal credit card details only where mandatory; call and
check with customer care if they've got payments
Beware of seemingly unreal offers. Rolexes don't cost Rs
Check on the returns and refunds policy so that you can
repatriate damaged or incorrect shipments
If you're finicky about your card, opt for doorstep payment
offered by several portals
Steer clear of sites that offer online purchases for only
specific seasons like festivals. Their logistics are likely
to be stretched during that time and deliveries could be
late or lost
If you buy prepaid cards, check which sites accept them.
Several like Indiaplaza don't, so you could be wasting your
time and money
Most reputed portals have 128-bit encryption of your data
to ensure confidentiality, but check on this and try and
avoid lesser known ones which don't offer this
Use Online Cards
Credit cards remain the most popular form of payments and executives
say much of the hesitancy in detailing personal data online has
worn off today, with improvement in security features and awareness
of internet browsers. At the same time, some portals such as Indiatimes
have launched their own co-branded cards with ICICI Bank to provide
guarantee in case of an online fraud. "We launched this card
a few months ago and it gives users a security of Rs 25,000 against
fraud. We already have 2.5 lakh members for this," says Wadhwan,
who points out that unlike the West, in India, banks don't protect
against fraud.
encryption technology, it is perhaps safer to give out your
credit card details"
Deep Kalra
CEO/ makemytrip.com |
can source most requests
in a couple of days since we have a strong offline presence"
K. Vaitheeswaran
COO/ Indiaplaza |
Apart from that, portals offer payment-on-delivery services for
their products. If you are a regular shopper, you can also use
this facility. While there have been some newer forms of payments
such as prepaid cards, akin to those used in mobile telecom, few
portals have integrated their payment gateway.
Several stories on individual's credit card details being compromised
and of online fraud have surfaced in recent times, but this is
largely offline. "Most frauds happen when credit card numbers
or other data is stolen offline and then used on the net for fraudulent
activities," says Subho Ray, President of the Internet and
Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), an industry body.
More often, buyers online are lured by great bargains. There's
a punishment for websites that do fraudulent dealings, but with
many websites mushrooming, it's best not to take chances. "This
area of online commerce is evolving and the laws are maturing
with its evolution," says Pawan Duggal, Managing Partner
at Pawan Duggal Associates, and an expert on IP and it Law. So,
carefully check the deals that appear too good to be true. Says
Ray: "A Rolex watch for Rs 2,000 is perhaps a clear sign
that something's wrong. But not everyone sees the warning signs."
Need a Pension Plan
It can put money in your hands in old age,
but the reforms need to speed up.
Even as the government is trying
to grapple with the problem of fixed returns in pension among
its employees, a FICCI-KPMG paper has urged for reforms in the
sector. The reforms would address a wider population, including
those working in the private sector, and benefit millions of senior
citizens. If pension reforms move forward, the industry could
expand to Rs 4 lakh crore by 2025.
According to the paper, only 10 per cent of the country's labour
was covered by government sponsored mandated schemes, and does
not really generate adequate income even for this segment of retirees.
The study paper has asked for international investments in a portfolio
since it offers better diversification of pension portfolio and
also possible higher returns.
The Way Forward |
Pension reforms should include the private
Participants need to choose an asset allocation plan as
per risk appetite
Record keeping should be with multiple players
Post offices, NGOs should be encouraged to distribute the
Besides, participants have the freedom to select different plans
(much like mutual funds) according to their risk appetite. The
record-keeping work of pension operators should be with multiple
players while various distribution channels should be encouraged-like
post offices, NGOs, small retail chains, etc.
Says S.V. Mony, Secretary General, Life Insurance Council: "If
the overall costs for the participants have to be reduced, existing
life insurance companies, mutual funds, who have already achieved
economies of scale, should be allowed to function as pension fund
managers, with clear distinctions between the existing lines of
With mutual fund businesses aiming to maximise wealth subject
to market risks and life insurance companies like LIC already
in the annuity business, serious pension reforms still seem a
distant reality. New pension products, however, could go a long
way in increasing the income during retirement. But which are
the new products and how the final pension segmentation shapes
up remains to be seen.
-Nitya Varadarajan