Global Trust Bank's Rewiring Act
The Hyderabad-based bank wakes up to the
digital realities of today's financial world. The result: a radical
re-orientation of strategy.
By E.
Kumar Sharma
Like most
progressive companies, the Hyderabad-based Global Trust Bank (GTB)
organises an annual retreat for its senior managers-a two-day
brainstorming session that decides the bank's strategy. Those who attended
the 1999 edition of the off-site meet-at an unlikely venture, the
sprawling Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad-claim it, the sixth of its kind,
was the most radical retreat of them all. No single imperative emerged
from the exercise: what did emerge was a feeling that
everything-structures, strategies, processes-needed to change, and change
radically. In many ways, the moment was epiphanic: it was time, GTB's
managers realised, for their bank's story to take a surprising turn, much
like the plot of one of Ramoji Rao's Telugu melodramas.
Which is why Ramesh Gelli's decision to
quit as CEO of the group, taken just over a year after the Ramoji-retreat,
wasn't altogether unexpected. The 54-year-old chairman-he retains that
post-who can easily be mistaken for an academic (it must be those glasses)
intends to restrict the ambit of his responsibilities to what he terms
''seeing the bank in a bigger picture''. Gelli is candid about the changes
happening at GTB: ''The banking business has undergone some fundamental
shifts that call for different business practices. We are working on
creating an organisation that can respond to these.''
GTB's tech-imperative
Three Phases of GTB's Growth |
I: 1994-1996 |
to build scale so as to make investments in products and technology
Results: deposits grew to Rs 1,300
crore and loans to Rs 1,000 crore by March 1996 |
II: 1996-2000 |
to create a strong base in terms of branch-network and number of
Results; number of branches grew from
15 in 1996, to 73 in 2000; accounts, from 1 lakh to 4 lakh |
III: 2000 |
to leverage technology to grow existing businesses and tap new ones |
Change GTB must. For, despite being ranked
14th in the 1999 version of the BT-KPMG survey of the best banks, GTB's
spread (the difference between the rate at which it mobilises funds and
deploys them) is, at 2.42 per cent, significantly below that of some of
the others, like HDFC Bank's 4.74 per cent. Its competitors, such as HDFC
Bank and ICICI Bank, are widely perceived as being far more ready to
embrace change and the opportunities that come with it. Agrees a banking
analyst at a leading FII: ''GTB does not have the first-mover advantage.
It also does not have a strong parentage.''
And GTB's deposits of Rs 6,198 crore, total
income of Rs 879 crore (March 31, 2000), and 76 branches a make it an
ideal mid-sized catch for a predator seeking to consolidate its
operations. Indeed, that could well explain the sudden interest in the
company's scrip, which touched a low of Rs 48 on August 22, 2000, before
starting a rather steep upward climb to Rs 95.15 on September 8, 2000.
The bank, predictably, plays down the
possibility that it could figure in someone's sights. Says Sridhar Subasri,
46, Executive Director, GTB: ''To me, this does not seem likely.''
Instead, Gelli talks about the rash of initiatives that the bank has
unveiled since January. First, in February, it hired hr consulting firm
Noble & Hewitt to restructure its organisation. The objectives: to
make every department more customer-focused; to get the front-end
processes to emphasise sales and marketing; to get the back-end to focus
on centralised processing; and to foster the discipline of specialisation
among branches.
Then, in April, the bank hired infotech
services firm MindTree Consulting to help it finalise its e-space strategy
(GTB's e-banking service was launched in December, 1999, and now boasts a
customer-base of 15,000). In May, it forged alliances with horizontal
portal Indiainfo, and personal investment vortals Sharekhan and
Indiainfoline, becoming, in effect, a payment gateway for transactions on
these sites.
In August, it forged two more alliances,
this time with Tata Cellular and BPL Mobile, to offer mobile banking
facilities in Andhra Pradesh and Mumbai. And its future plans include:
alliances with more dot.coms and mobile phone companies, and a
soon-to-be-launched clutch of on-line services-like cash-flow
management-targeting corporates. ''We see electronic banking as a common
thread that will run across the business,'' says Gelli.
Still, perceptions about the company losing
out to fleet-footed rivals remain. Avers Sangha Mitra, 25, Portfolio
Adviser, SSKI: ''The bank has sustained a growth rate of over 35 per cent
for the last four years-mainly with its plain-vanilla banking. This is
good, but it needs to catch up on technology.''
Gelli demurs: ''We have constantly looked
at (technology-created) opportunities and their viability. Often, it does
not pay to be the first in technology implementation. ''Indeed if Gelli is
to be believed, GTB has stuck to the script of the business strategy it
wrote for itself in 1994 (See The Three Phases Of GTB's Growth).
GTB's diversification imperative
In keeping with this strategy, now, the
bank claims, is the best time to invest in technology. Like the 350 ATMs,
and the bank's e-initiatives. ''We are confident that these will increase
our customer base from 400,000 to 1 million by March, 2002, without adding
significantly to our 900-odd staff,'' says P.C. Narayan, 45, the bank's
Executive Vice-President (it and Retail). GTB's competition has the same
idea: ICICI Bank proposes to double the number of its ATMs to 500 by
March, 2001.
To further its technology quotient, GTB
plans to identify a partner to which it can sell a 20 per cent stake, in
return for what Gelli terms ''value-added support in terms of
technology''. And, it hopes that its tech onslaught and diversification
into areas like capital market infrastructure will help balance its
revenue pie (See Now And Then: GTB's Revenue Split).
Only, others have an eye on these markets.
Says H. Srikrishnan, 38, Head (Transactional Banking & Operations),
HDFC: ''We have identified corporate banking, retail, treasury operations,
and capital market infrastructure, and are e-enabling in each area.''
GTB's efforts to broad-base its revenues also include proposed extensions
into the distribution of mutual funds and insurance products, an entry
into insurance, and venture finance. Says Gelli: ''Our goal is to emerge
as a provider of the entire range of financial products.''
Having articulated the bank's objective,
Gelli must now get down to the actual task of achieving it in an intensely
competitive market. One that will require GTB to think, and act, global.