B2B In India? It's
Desi business-to-business exchanges will
have to offer more than an electronic forum if they are to flourish.
In the
West, the B2B space is now reflecting business fundamentals. It is
becoming increasingly apparent that there is little value in merely moving
transactions on-line. For example, the NYSE makes $75 million net income
on a transaction volume of over $7 trillion per year. The real economic
benefit from B2B exchanges lies in services around transactions that
enable 'real world' reductions in coordination and processing costs, cycle
times, and inventory levels.
The winning exchanges will be those that
leverage transaction volumes to support supply-chain collaboration. These
will effectively be vertical industry collaboration 'hubs' instead of mere
transaction facilitators. In fact, industry supply chains are likely to
become infotech-enabled via the linking up of multiple vertical (for
instance, in the auto industry, auto parts, steel, and plastics) and
horizontal (for instance, hr, logistics, and payments) hubs. This will
require alliances between technology players and providers of real-world
services such as quality assurance, logistics, and payments.
This success formula of broad-ranging
alliances will, in general, hold for India and other emerging markets as
well. While the size of underlying transactions in markets such as India
are lower than in the West, higher levels of inefficiency offer large and
attractive savings opportunities in these markets.
The Indian Imperatives
But, there are three important differences.
First, B2B in India will have a larger focus on direct inputs as
manufacturers buy more direct goods than indirect goods. The US experience
suggests that it is harder to trade online in direct goods than indirect
ones, as direct goods must often be tailored to a particular production
process. This makes buyers cautious about changing the way they buy them.
Second, Indian supply chains are less
efficient and more fragmented. Indian firms lag in performance on other
indicators of supply-chain efficiency. For example, the inventory in our
automotive chain is 50 days, compared to 30 days in the US (See Supply
Chain Savings & Price Discovery). Thus, supply-chain savings and price
discovery are likely to be more important in India than the US.
Third, weak infrastructure is unable to
support e-Commerce. Most Asian countries lack an efficient on-line
payments system. Good third-party logistics providers are rare. And
neither the mechanisms for managing supplier credit risks nor legal
sanctions against bad debtors are well developed. The absence of such
infrastructure will be a bottleneck to the development of B2B e-Commerce.
Apart from incorporating elements from the
winning, Western B2B model, B2B aspirants should consider the following
measures to make India-specific adjustments:
- Target direct goods early. Start
with standard commodities, and aim for complex goods later, possibly
offering digital asset-management software that allows transfer of
engineering designs. Fortunately, marketplaces targeting direct goods
can obtain huge savings for members in industries with few buyers. The
volume and implied margins of resulting trade may offset the extra
cost of targeting direct goods.
- Target supply-chain efficiency.
To improve communications in supply chains, marketplaces must connect
every link in the chain, using technology compatible with different
information technology systems. This is a difficult condition to
fulfill and no B2B marketplace in Asia has begun to do this yet. But
some incumbents are using web technology to bring supply chains
on-line. Transferring such technologies to B2B marketplaces would
produce substantially greater savings for members than the automation
of procurement processes.
- Target additional infrastructure
roles. Marketplaces must play several roles beyond matchmaking
buyers and sellers. They must aim to provide inventory-management,
financial settlement, global-logistics-management services, as well as
quality assurance checks on suppliers. Such additional services, which
are best offered through alliances, will help capture more value
without necessarily building new assets. To offer members logistical
services, for example, a marketplace could ally with existing freight
forwarders or eventually join forces with a B2B marketplace
specialising in transportation.
The Road Ahead
The challenge in India will be to foster
the creation of such services. A combine of industry incumbents and
strategic investors will be able to build a complete, full-service
marketplace. While the incumbents will provide the liquidity and
industry/functional domain knowledge, the investors will provide risk
capital to build key support services. Over time, these services can be
leveraged to serve marketplaces from other verticals.
Indian B2B exchanges following these
guidelines have a good chance of success. There is a lot of inefficiency
waiting to be tapped from Indian supply chains. Net-based marketplace
technologies provide some, but not all, the tools to address these
inefficiencies. Indian companies will need to embrace a hybrid combination
of on-line and off-line tools to capture value from their supply chains.
Asutosh Padhi
is an Engagement Manager at the Delhi office of McKinsey & Company.
Paresh Vaish is a Partner, and Ramesh Mangaleswaran an Associate Principal
at McKinsey's Mumbai office.