G.N. BAJPAI: Sebi's new chairman has
hiw work cut out |
it was Ghyanendra Nath Bajpai who pipped five other contenders for
the first-floor corner room at the Securities and Exchange Board
of India's Mittal Court headquarters in south Mumbai. But after
a 37-year stint at the state-owned insurance giant, Life Insurance
Corporation (LIC), just what does Bajpai think of his new role as
the fourth chief of the stockmarket watchdog? ''My primary task
would be to bring back public participation to the capital markets,''
the 59-year-old told reporters, the day he stepped into his new
Although Bajpai was more of a dark horse in
the race (he had already been put in charge of the Stock Holding
Corporation Ltd on February 7, 2002), this is the second time in
his career that he has leapfrogged to the top post. First was when
he superseded six executive directors to become LIC's Chairman in
September 2000. So, what makes Bajpai tick? Apparently, his superlative
people skills and a proven track-record for delivering the goods.
During his stint (1984-88) as the Chief Manager of LIC's operations
in Mauritius, the soft-spoken Bajpai put his company on top of the
On taking charge as the Chairman, Bajpai galvanised
a moribund organisation of 1.2 lakh employees and 6.51 lakh agents
into action to take on the new private players. He was also at the
forefront of LIC's purchase of stakes in Corporation Bank and the
Oriental Commerce Bank, which was aimed at making the insurer a
multi-product financial powerhouse. Part of Bajpai's success is
attributed to his people-savvy management style. After all, he did
once head the pr and Publicity department at the Central Office
of LIC.
An avid golfer, Bajpai will have some nasty
sand-bunkers and other hazards to negotiate on his new course. The
outgoing chairman, D.R. Mehta, has openly complained about the lack
of powers to SEBI and how big companies are almost impossible to
punish. Small investors are now waiting to see if Bajpai can make
stockmarkets safer and attractive for them.
On The March
LT. COL. H.S. BEDI: soft strike force |
When hi-ranking army men retire, they become
either defence consultants or arms dealers. But not Lt. Col. Hardeep
Singh Bedi. Hanging up his boots prematurely in 1994, the Vishisht
Seva Medal winner instead decided to join a software company, Tulip
Software, which he acquired four years later. Today, the 320-employee
strong company-probably the only software firm founded by an army
officer-rakes in Rs 50 crore in annual revenues. Bedi's tryst with
software began in 1979 when he was nominated for an EDP course.
Barely four years later, as an instructor at Mhow, the third-generation
army man was teaching other officers the mysteries of it. In fact,
the VSM awarded to him in 1990 was in recognition of his role in
planning and implementing the army's automation plan. In between,
he also developed an innovative machine for cleaning tank guns.
But how was it commanding a pack of nerds after a regiment of disciplined
soldiers? Apparently, not very difficult. ''You create your own
regiment when you start a company,'' says Bedi. We have just one
question: is it the 20-kg backpack and 50 rounds when an engineer
misses a deadline?
A Fine Fellow
LALIT JALAN: making his alma mater proud |
As the man responsible for the ''fastest billion-dollar
hit'' in industry-ramping up Reliance Industry's polypropylene business
from zero to a billion dollars in 42 months flat-laurels are nothing
new to Senior Executive Vice President (e-Business) Lalit Jalan.
But he recently received what he terms as the best award so far
(even better than the Dean's Medal he received at Wharton in 1982)-the
Distinguished Alumnus award from his alma mater IIT, Kanpur. It's
an honour that catapults him into the league of Infosys' N.R. Narayana
Murthy and Pradeep Sindhu of Juniper Networks. ''Not only are they
very selective in bestowing the award, but the peer group (of previous
awardees) is outstanding,'' gushes Jalan (Batch of '79). But the
electrical engineer would have been content tooling around with
his own business in Kolkata had not Reliance's Anil Ambani (a Wharton
classmate) convinced him to join the petrochem giant. A win-win
deal, did you say?