Lacquer Classic
Davidoff, the renowned Swiss cigar maker, firmly believes that nothing
should come in the way of a good smoke-not even the micro flame
that's commonly used in cigar lighters. Ergo, his lighters combine
the latest technology with a classic flame that's at a slight angle
to make the lighting process easy. The flint is easy to replace;
the gas, simple to replenish. And the lighters are available in
two sizes.
Price: Rs 9,000
Elite CEO
Considered the Rolls-Royce among cigar lighters,
the classic CEO lighter is exceptionally durable and the design
looks very masculine. Colibri was the first to design the double-guillotine
cigar cutter-cum-lighter. It has a solid-brass construction, a reliable
flint system and extremely sharp replaceable stainless steel blades.
The burner system produces the perfect opti-wide twin flame that
enables you to light your cigar evenly. For safe keeping, it comes
packed in a neat leather pouch.
Price: Rs 12,000
GT30005 Micro Torch
The Japanese Micro Torch comes in two sizes.
The bigger one is hardy and hence suitable for bars where the frequency
of usage is higher. It's so powerful that it can burn a whole cigarette
if you're careless. You can choose to put it on normal flame and
turn the lighter upside down to light your pipe.
Price: Rs 4,200 (large) Rs 1,800 (small)
lighter: Unique Cricket Lighter
It's a delight for those in love with everything
that's so very English. The ruby leather and seam design is inspired
by the cricket ball. If you believe cricket is still a gentlemen's
game, sporting this lighter would be a great fashion statement during
the World Cup.
Quantum Oscar
For those who enjoy the pop stuff over classics, the Quantum Oscar
with its sporty design is a good choice. It has a micro-flame that
is very much in vogue. It has two spring-retractable punch cutters.
The Quantum Oscar is good for lighting a 50-ring Churchill or a
42-ring guage Corona. It is available in a variety of colours like
pearl gunmetal, dark gunmetal, blue ice and high polished silver.
Price: Rs 7,000
» These
are expensive lighters and it may not be a good idea to carry them
while travelling.
And with the new safety rules in place, it could be all
the more troublesome.
These lighters contain Butane, which is odourless. So
make sure that there is no leak while buying a lighter.
There are fakes flooding the market. Make sure you buy
your lighters from the right place. Originals come with a warranty
of one-to-two years.