leadership depends on the two 'P's - products and people. To be
a successful leader and to drive a high rate of growth, we have
to make the 'people' part successful. It is crucial to create an
environment within the company where people feel confident enough
to take right decisions for the company.
To create this environment, clear goals must
be created for everyone, performance should constantly be measured
and gaps need to be addressed. Achieving goals require the cooperation
of different people at different levels, hence it is absolutely
essential to foster a team approach.
A true leader creates a compelling vision for
the organisation and an environment in which people can debate,
discover and plan the best course of action for dealing with complex
situations. Leadership is the responsibility of each and every person
in the organisation. Leaders must never be shy of debate and must
listen carefully to what their people have to say. Success depends
on your agreement with Winston Churchill's observation: "A
pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist
sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
Your behaviour reflects your concerns, convictions
and character. True leaders maintain consistency in their attitude
and approach to employees, customers, suppliers and business partners.
Great leaders must master three fundamental
skills: inspiring employees, building leaders at every level and
delivering results. The best leaders are constantly seeking to grow
in their knowledge and their skill-set. Leaders who don't continue
to grow their arsenal of leadership tools and resources soon find
themselves trailing behind other leaders in their field or industry.