Personal Finance
Unit Scheme 64, A Sob StoryBy Dhirendra Kumar
When the boom hits the stockmarkets, the Unit Trust Of India
(UTI) starts beaming. Last fortnight, when the country's oldest mutual fund company
declared a dividend of just 13.50 per cent for 1998-99-7.50 per cent down from the 20 per
cent it had announced in each of the last 3 years-it only confirmed the investor's
suspicion that things would never be the same again for Unit Scheme 64.
Implying a yield of 10 per cent per annum on the July, 1999,
sale-price of Rs 13.50 per unit, the repurchase-price of the scheme now stands at Rs
13.20. Although the yield, traditionally based on the post-dividend July quote, has been
consistently declining since 1992, this is the lowest ever generated by an investment in
Unit Scheme 64. Unfortunately for the investor, it may not get any better in future
With its equity-to-debt allocation standing at 2:1 today, the
performance of Unit Scheme 64 will depend only on the behaviour of the stockmarket
tomorrow-and not interest rates. So, if the stockmarkets continue to boom all through to
July, 2000-last fortnight, crossing the all-time high of 4,643.31 it touched on September
12, 1994, the Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitivity Index (Sensex) soared to 4,678 on Terrific
Tuesday, July 13, 1999, although it closed the day at 4,615-Unit Scheme 64 will be able to
return to the era of 20 per cent dividends.
But if, in the aftermath of Elections 99, the Sensex doesn't
shoot, the UTI will continue to have a problem in its coffers. That's why, based on its
asset-allocation, it is unreasonable to expect a sustained rise in income from the scheme
as was the case in the past. Not only is the annual yield of 10 per cent unattractive to
the investor, the level of returns is simply not adequate given the risks of the
equity-allocation in Unit Scheme 64's portfolio.
What is, perhaps, more important is that the UTI has
officially stated that it will implement, over the next 3 years, the recommendations made
by the Deepak Parekh Committee. This means, among others, two things to me. One, that Unit
Scheme 64 will be made Net Asset Value (NAV)-based. Two, the scheme's asset-allocation
will be re-oriented towards debt.
These are significant changes that will require amendments to
the UTI Act, 1964.For instance, the scheme's investments in real estate will have to be
transferred to a Development Reserve Fund, and the term-loans it has extended will have to
be recalled to make it competitive in a NAV-based market. So, the investor will have to
factor in volatile repurchase-prices and sale-prices into his strategy.
That Unit Scheme 64 will undergo a transformation is obvious
since it has lost its main attractions: rising repurchase- and selling-prices throughout
the year, and a handsome dividend yield every year. But is the scheme strong enough to
survive? Watch this space. |