Retail RevelationsWhy does she shop where she shops when she shops for what she shops? As
megacorps-the Piramals, the Tatas, the Rahejas, ITC, S. Kumar's, RPG Enterprises-and
mega-retailers-Crosswords, Vitan, Kemp's, Shoppers' Stop, Vivek, Akbarally's-race to
revolutionise retailing, that's what every marketer is suddenly asking himself. To answer
that Rs 100,000-crore question, BUSINESS TODAY presents the KSA Technopak Consumer Outlook
Study, 1999. Remember: the wife isn't just the customer; she's a retail researcher too.
Hi. I'm Mridula. Mridu, to only my
husband. I shouldn't tell you how old I am (34, would you believe it) but am a mother of 2
beautiful brats-Anu, 6, and Nitin, all of 2-live in Chennai, and belong to that rather
amorphous customer-segment marketers term as ''housewives.'' Or houseworkers, as in the
I should know: until Anu was born, I used to work for a
market research firm, ARG, and my husband, Akhil, has sold soap for a FMCG transnational
for the last 3 years. Guess that makes us an sec a1 household. Or a Single a1 household,
to be precise. Although we do plan for me to return to work, I'm prepared to wait till
both the kids grow up and into school.
Meanwhile, I am happy managing home, hearth, and hubby, and
write the occasional monograph for my old firm. It's always good to stay in touch. That's
why, tumbling on to the sudden resurgence of interest in retailing in India, I tried to
look at my personal behaviour as a customer over the last 3 months through the eyes of a
professional researcher.
Being the de facto CEO of our household makes me a typical
customer. In addition, the occasional telephone-calls and e-mail messages to my friends in
other parts of the country suddenly became more frequent, and more focused on their retail
behaviour. Still, it hasn't been easy; try analysing why you buy where you do when you
do-all the time-and you will quickly realise why.
Anyways, my little project is now over. And the results are
presented here for the benefit of any CEO who believes that getting to know the way my
friends and I shop will help his business. I just hope my mother-in-law doesn't get to
read this! So, with apologies to KSA Technopak, here's my own housewife's retailing audit.

durables marketers can tap the latent market for in-home entertainment by adding options,
like games, to their products."
J.H. Park
Vice-President, Samsung |
My Time
I manage! I seem to spend most of my time in the house. Most
of my morning, and some part of my evening too goes in managing our home. Akhil is a
wonderful husband and a great father but, apart from fixing the occasional leaky faucet,
he does little around the place. Not that I mind. All my time doesn't go in washing the
floors or the kids; I do, most afternoons, get to curl up on the couch with a good Mills
& Boon. Or watch an afternoon re-run, like Saans, on the tube.
Week-end trips, to the theatre or an amusement-park or
somewhere, are a must, and Akhil and I normally try to schedule them for the kids on
Saturday afternoons. We do most of our shopping over the week-end too, but I do find
myself stepping out to the neighbourhood store at least thrice a week to pick up one thing
or another.
When I can get my mother to babysit Nitin, I, sometimes, go
on aimless shopping-trips with my friends. It wasn't until I got around to finding out how
my 3 closest friends-Sandhya, Monisha, and Sarita were with me in college-spend their time
that I discovered how different our lives really were. Now, Sarita, whose husband works in
a transnational bank, has moved from Bangalore to Mumbai. Monisha, still single, has
shifted to Delhi, where she works for a sports TV channel. And Sandhya, after she married,
has relocated to Calcutta.
Still, as a family, we seem to be spending more time outside
our home-shopping, watching movies, eating out, or picnicking-than any of them.
Individually, Akhil and I appear to have more time on our hands at home to watch TV, read,
or just do nothing than all my friends except, perhaps, Monisha. I think that could
possibly be because cheap household help is easily available in this city.
Last year, I told myself that I would spend more time
shopping for bargains, and also decided that I would restructure my chores so as to give
myself more quality time. I am not too keen on a vacation now, but Akhil tells me that it
is on top of his list of priorities. Monisha-our tastes were always the same-has resolved
to do just what I am doing, but Sandhya and Sarita have decided to spend more time on
household work. That makes me feel a little guilty.
What would I learn from all this trivia if
I had to market something to me? Three things. One, each customer is (very) different. I
am different from all my friends, and they from me, and marketers need to factor this into
their plans. Two, the amount of time families spend on leisure activities at home presents
an opportunity for innovative durables manufacturers to design a range of home
entertainment appliances.
Listen to what J.H.Park, 41, a Samsung India veep, had to say
in a recent article in a business magazine: ''We have a built-in video-game and
slot-machine in our TVs and VCD-players to give the customer more in-home entertainment
options.'' Three, since shopping for groceries and running the household is a concern for
all of us, marketers need to stress factors like efficiency, convenience--and, of course,
typical customer is time-rich, and perceives shopping to be a leisure activity.
Super-retailers can enhance her shopping-experience through innovative retail formats, or
by clubbing fun with shopping. The obvious strategy would be to incorporate other
out-of-home leisure activities, like eating and entertainment, with shopping.
Some CEOs have already realised this. Says Vikram
Bakshi, 38, Managing Director, Connaught Plaza Restaurants, McDonald's Delhi franchise:
''We are opening outlets mostly at locations that cater to the customer's shopping or
entertainment needs.'' Ergo, the future of retailing could depend on effective mall
My Spending

"We want to
exploit non-conventional, Shopping Scan, caters to a customer-base
of 45,000."
Vishnu Chokhani
Director, Vitan Department Stores |
I do! But I won't bore you with the details of how much
we spend on food, groceries, household-maintenance, and education. These are our essential
expenses, after all. In my time, we used to call the amount left over as the Real
Disposable Income. The correct term these days, Akhil tells me, is Discretionary Income.
We save a significant portion of our discretionary income although I feel it's too little
and Akhil believes it's too much.
Monisha and Sarita claim they do the same, but Sandhya
believes that she and her husband are too young-she's actually a year older than me!-to
start saving in a big way. They seem to be in acquisition mode right now; her last e-mail
went on and on about the washing-machine they had just bought their servant.
My spending priorities differ a little from those of my
friends. For instance, we will spend more on apparel and consumer durables this year. All
my friends want to spend more on their interests-Monisha's latest infatuation is
terracotta-and a foreign vacation. I guess a little bit of that much-talked-about Southern
conservatism has rubbed off on Akhil and me.
I spoke to a few of my younger acquaintances-like Rama, the
Krishnans' 18-year-old daughter, who stays on the floor above-and discovered that age is a
critical factor. For Rama, her interests come on top but, as she grows older, I'm sure
they will slip down the hierarchy of priorities. And savings will move up. For marketers,
that spells confusion.
The poor guys not only have to deal with regional variations,
they now have to account for differences in age as well. I think most of us in this
country-especially people in my age-group-are still in the phase where we acquire durables
and build homes. The ideal approach, therefore, is the Value-For-Money one. Personally, I
wouldn't ever spend Rs 1 lakh on the Bose system Akhil has been loudly eyeing for some
time now. I guess marketers will just have to wait it out for customers like me to
The best thing they can do is to launch products-and watch
the clock. As LG's Vice-President (Marketing), Rajeev Karwal, 37, once said: ''In our
portfolio, we also have a 29-inch flat-screen TV that costs Rs 57,500. But we don't expect
volumes immediately.'' One final message: we've been planning a month-long European
vacation for the last 5 years. The problem is that it's easy to defer something like that.
If I were a company selling vacations, I would find a way of crashing purchase-times.
categories of products are relevant to customers at various stages of their life-cycles.
Broadly, however, the consumer products category either competes or complements the
out-of-home entertainment category. A retail format that spans both will cater to the
needs of a larger group of customers.
Agrees Nathan Andrews, 40, CEO, Crossroads, the Ajay
Piramal Enterprises' mall: ''Shopping and entertainment are an integral part of the
burgeoning family's basket. This is reflected in our proposition of shopping, food, and
entertainment under one roof.'' So, making shopping an experience for the entire family is
the right tack for the retailer.
My Outlet
I 've favourites! Two, actually, one for
groceries, and one for garments. I like to buy my groceries from the neighbourhood
supermarket. It isn't far, and I can even walk down if I feel upto it; it stocks
everything from scrubs and mops to fresh fruits; and if I do decide to drive down, there's
always enough parking-space in the lot. We've also been lucky enough to find a good
garments-store in our part of the town, which is open till 9 in the evening. Occasionally,
on days when Akhil is back a little early from work, we drive down to the store together,
and shop for clothes. I love it; he hates it.
I checked with Monisha, Sarita and Sandhya; all of them have
their favourite stores too. And all of us would like our favourite stores to be part of
the same market, with our favourite restaurants and our favourite entertainment options
too. Sarita tells me that all-in-one malls which have all this, and more, have started
mushrooming in downtown Mumbai. I guess the rest of us will just have to wait for them to
Why do I buy products where I do? Simple: the quality, and
the prices. One reason why Akhil and I like our garments-store is that they have a
flexible exchange policy. But I am yet to come across that all-too-rare specimen, the
intelligent salesman, who makes his point and then lets you shop in peace. I wish more
people would listen to what G. Kannan, 34, who handles marketing for Adidas in India, once
told me: ''In a number of categories, the service expectation is changing. The consumer
does not want something to be sold to her; it is enough to merely facilitate a sale.''
Actually, I'm all right with what I get, but I'd really like my retail outlets to do more
for me. In terms of service and convenience.
I checked with all my friends, and came up with a surprise
finding: we are all extremely rational shoppers. We know what we wish to buy even before
we enter a store, and, often, even before we leave the house. So, despite whatever
marketers say about impulse-purchases, they are actually rare occurrences. Since most
purchases are well-planned and need-driven, marketers need to convince customers through
advertising that is informative rather than emotive.
I also think window-displays don't really work unless, of
course, they are part of a larger communications strategy. I've often come across
particularly attractive displays of totally unknown brands of cosmetics. And walked away.
As Reckitt & Colman's Atul Sinha, 43, said recently on television: ''In-store
promotions and displays should tie in perfectly with the brand's broader communications
strategy. Ideally, your brand should be known to the prospect even before she sets foot in
the shop.'' Finally, since most of us are more store-loyal than brand-loyal, marketers
must ensure that they pick the right retailers.
large number of repeat customers in a store implies that customers are driven more by
their feelings towards the store than those towards the brand. This presents retailers
with an opportunity to build store-brands. Avers Sarabjit Ghosh, 37, COO, Nanz Food
Products: ''Close to 20 per cent of our sales in dal, rice, and spices comes from our own
However, super-retailers would do well to start with
non-store brands, build a loyal customer-base through schemes similar to frequent-flier
programmes, and then, launch store-brands. Significantly, since the expectations of most
customers from retail outlets have not crystallised yet, a super-retailer can, actually,
drive expectations by developing need-based retail formats.
My Mailbox
My PC! Rama's mother, Mrs Krishnan, is a Tupperware
distributor. She's been trying to convince me to host a T-party too, but I haven't had the
inclination to agree. I've read all about multi-level marketing and understand clearly how
it works. Only, I don't want any part of it.

"There is a
huge opportunity for retailers to build store-brands in low-involvement categories like
dry groceries."
Sarabjit Ghosh
COO, Nanz Food Products |
Non-store shopping formats seem to have proliferated in
the past few years. I only have to switch on my TV set to be bombarded by messages from
one tele-shopping company or another. Since both Akhil and I have credit cards, we're on
some direct mailing company's database, and are deluged with junk mail. And my ISP's
homepage is filled with ads on how I can buy things ranging from pottery to CDs with a
simple click of the mouse.
These formats aren't going to take off for some time. One,
there is no fun in shopping over the Net or by mail-order. Two, we can see the product and
be sure of its quality only after it reaches us, which is a fait accompli. Three, all of
us-and this includes Monisha, who is the only one who holds a full-time job-have enough
time on our hands. And four, people who are interested in these products never know whom
to contact. Rama is keen on Oriflame cosmetics, but doesn't know where she can get them!
If I were a marketer, I would try and educate the customer on
the benefits of non-conventional retail formats, and provide them with an avenue to reach
the company-like a toll-free number. They could also get people to see their products by
maintaining display-only counters at large retail stores.
customers are aware of non-conventional retail formats, but are unwilling to try them out.
This provides an ideal opportunity for the super-retailers to build their franchises.
Explains Vishnu Chokhani, 62, Director, Vitan Departmental Stores, a Chennai-based
super-retailer: ''We are looking to exploit non-conventional retail formats to our
advantage. We mail a monthly magazine, Shopping Scan, listing all the products available
in the store, and store events to a customer-base of 45,000.'' Obviously, super-retailers
too can use the Net, direct mail, and tele-shopping to build customer communities and
loyalty clubs.
My Research
Thank Akhil! A few days ago, I asked him for some information
on retail outlets, and he came home with a treasure-trove of data. India is truly a
country of retailers. There were 5.13 million retail outlets in 1996; today, the figure is
closer to 6 million.
Most of them are either grocers or paan-plus stores that
stock everything from cigarettes to smuggled Scotch. But these figures could be
misleading. One Website I came across claimed that, on the basis of an analysis of
store-traffic, throughput, area, location, and the people employed, just 3 per cent of the
country's retail outlets can be called large; 64 per cent are small. Clearly, marketers
have to learn to live with all types of outlets.
I think a company's choice of retail format-or formats-should
be a function of the products in its portfolio. For functional products like plain-vanilla
FMCGs, traditional formats will do. For innovative products, like high-value FMCGs,
cosmetics, garments, or consumer durables, innovative formats are a must.
I have noticed that, while the supermarket I shop at has a
computerised billing system, it makes no effort to capture any other information about me.
Marketers, as Pantaloon Fashions' Rakesh Biyani, 27, vouches, will find the information
invaluable: ''Data on preferences, family background, and purchase-patterns will help
companies address specific consumer needs.''
retail chains will need to keep track of the customer to meet her requirements. This
involves managing merchandise, inventory, and the supply chain. International chains spend
close to 2 per cent of their retail turnover on infotech applications that enable these
functions. Indian retailers would do well to emulate their global counterparts. For, if
the customer does not find what she wants in one store-and 43 per cent claim that this is,
indeed, the case-she'll simply go to another.
Clearly, the sudden rush by corporate India into the
retailing industry bodes well for customers like me, and ill for marketers like Akhil.
For, the locus of power will move from the manufacturer and distributor to the retailer
and consumer. I guess this means longer working-hours for my husband. And more quality
shopping for me!
A KSA Technopak Study Presented By Business