any industry, change is initiated in response to demands from customers,
employees, and competition. With businesses getting constantly redefined
and consumer-focused, companies need to train their employees and
prepare them to meet the challenges of the changing marketplace.
An ideal leader is one who is quick to sense the need for change,
and to adopt it as early as possible. At Allied Domecq most of the
changes have been initially concentrated on internal processes and
developmental needs.
In India, there is a certain affinity for vertical organisations
and titles. Hierarchy is one of the most painful shortcomings of
a management system that keeps talent away from the decision-making
centre. A leader is one who realises the drawbacks of the system
and is able to invite suggestions from everyone irrespective of
where that person is on the organisational ladder. However, the
junior staff must be trained adequately if they are to gain enough
confidence to make a positive contribution to the process. The employees
must also be given a chance to put forward their views, and their
mistakes shown reasonable tolerance.
Leadership is about understanding that an organisation
will function effectively when it has the right mix of people, backgrounds,
and experiences. This entails radical changes in recruitment policies.
At Allied Domecq, we look beyond the industry and deliberately hire
people from outside who possess a good track record.
Above all, a leader should strive at all times
to attain transparency in his organisation. Information should be
freely given to those who need it. The leader should send out a
message that information is a not source of power for an individual,
but a power that contributes to the growth of an organisation.